Five Prayers for Business That Get Results

Bob Perry has been praying for 40 years to learn how to pray, and now he has developed five powerful prayers specifically for the business world, which can be downloaded for free. Pray these prayers over the businesses you care about and bring the kingdom wherever you go.

Five Prayers for Business That Get Results
W R I T T E N  B Y
Bob Perry
A.J. Lykosh

Revolutionize Your Approach to Business with These 5 Powerful Prayers

For 40 years, Bob Perry’s single-minded prayer has been, “Lord, teach me to pray.”

But several decades in, he realized that there is little focus on prayer in the business world. There are few opportunities to find specific prayers for the realm of business.

When asked about the most effective prayers to pray for businesses, he came up with these five. They have proven incredibly powerful.

We invite you to start to pray these prayers over the businesses of those you love and care about.

Because God calls us to go into the world, and a large part of what any of us do in any given day takes place in the world of commerce.

We invite you to bring the kingdom with you wherever you go.

Note: Also available as a free download on the Workplace Prayer website.

Book Sample

Excerpt from the Prologue

After thousands of prayer meetings and tens of thousands of hours, Bob has found the best method of prayer.

The problem: it’s easy to discount or overlook.

It seems too familiar, too simple.

It’s not.

Think of the power of certain words: I love you. I hate you. Now multiply that power with the power of God, the same power that raised Jesus from the dead.

Hebrews 4:12 says, “For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.”

Want the most powerful prayers possible?

Pray the scriptures.

We’ll model our method in these prayers to come.

Since prayer is one of the secret weapons of acceleration for the kingdom of God in the workplace, we are excited for you to pray more effectively over your business.

Five Prayers for Business That Get Results


Real insights from real readers.

This book is having a good impact on my friend Brett. He called a friend and is using that book to pray with him. Both of them are trying to start a new business. Not too long ago, Brett lost his business. At one time he was a multi-millionaire. He lives in a mansion with his wife, but they are struggling and they may lose their home. This book will give him hope.

Cathy Shavlik

Super practical. Prayed through all of them this morning, and when I prayed the first one, I smelled the anointing oil of frankincense.

Andrew Ngui

It’s really good! It’s really anointed. Very helpful. Everyone should read it.

Shane Heston

I walk into my spare bedroom every day for work, and Five Prayers sits on the desk to my left. And every day, I open it up and I read one of the prayers, and I start my day. On the days that I don't do it, every single time I will catch sight of it halfway through the day. My shoulders are hunched up, I'm all tense, my day is going completely awry, and I'll see it. Then I shut everything down, and I open it up, and I just pray out loud. Because I still don't really know how to pray. I’m still to new to all this. But I read it out loud and it brings it all back together again every day. You guys are with me every day. It's the coolest thing.

Heather Baynes

I cannot tell you how much I use it. Like even just for myself and for people that I coach, it truly is a very, very anointed and well put together, specific book. So thank you so much. It has been such a treasure in my tool chest.

Nicole Kuhl

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